Emerging Talent Showcase for Regina area rap/hip hop artists.

On Cue Performance Hub, in partnership with SaskMusic, is organizing an evening of music and dance at The Exchange on January 14.

In keeping with On Cue Performance Hub’s mandate to create space on Regina stages for emerging and underserved artists, this call is directed to musicians who have had limited professional opportunities for public performance and showcasing their work.

Submissions from bands involving artists who self-identify as Indigenous, Black, visible minorities, newcomers, Deaf or disabled (visible or invisible disabilities), women, non-binary, age or gender diverse are encouraged.

This will be a fundraising event for Regina General Hospital’s mental health unit (1D). Artists selected will be compensated for their performance.

Submission Deadline: Midnight December 5, 2022Learn more: https://airtable.com/shr5EKaYlN1KT31c7